HRD minister Prakash javadekar recently announced in the Lok Sabha that it is mandatory for engineering students do minimum three internship programme during college. After these many students worried about this and confused which internship do and which one is more important, useful.
Here is the good new for all the engineering students.Summer internship programme
is doing only 60 days. BCA/ MCA/ computer science engineering students doing this internship programme with live project incorporate internship experience.
In internship programme, I think don't need a lecture. The more you practice online then more you get the experience from the beginning day.
One of most important thing for engineering students. Chose that organization they have live projects facilities.
You will get a good opportunity to work on the live project and feel real-time learning. After complete your internship organization provide you a valid and real certificate. If your dedication or performance is excellent so organization is here you or give an offer letter.
In this type of internship programme, no syllabus only market latest industrial trend and norms.
University undergraduates need to balance work, friends, family, and assignments. It can be easier to overlook the critical importance of getting excellent internship experience That students make an internship a top priority.
If a student displayed on internship experience on their resume. It will give an advantage over all the candidates applying for the same position. The organization understands that graduates students don't have any experience. On that time student know the importance of internship programme.
shall money be a factor.
We all know very well in students life money is also a matter that's why some the student doesn't take an internship paid training. The internship is a local organization or abroad, think of the value of your resume or CV.
Here we discuss top benefits of completer your internship
It helps you find what they like to do
Higher chance of finding a great job
You get to work in a real environment
Internships have replaced on-campus recruiting.
Benefits to the Students:
Development of valuable work-relevant skills
Opportunity to acquire while learning.
Opportunity to serve on real-life difficulties in exact working positions
Enhanced employment possibilities.